
Our success is based on the satisfaction of our customers.

Wir unterstützen unsere Kunden kompetent und mit persönlichem Engagement im gesamten Innovationsprozess – unabhängig davon, ob Sie nur gezielte Unterstützung in einer bestimmten Projektphase benötigen oder Sie uns mit der gesamten Entwicklung bis zum CE-gekennzeichneten Produkt beauftragen wollen.

Lassen Sie sich von unserer engagierten, zielorientierten und professionellen Arbeitsweise überzeugen.


After defining the requirements and the boundary conditions, the creative and systematic search for solutions will be initiated. This also includes functional prototypes for the pre-clinical evaluation as well as for the technical feasibility. This is the foundation of your business case.



Design Control is our specialty. We support you in the development of your product – up to the verified, validated and CE marked product.


Quality Systems

We accompany holistically or support specifically the maintenance of your QMS according to ISO 13485 and 21 CFR Part 820. Our strength is the establishment and maintenance of the documentation of medical products – DHF remediation is our expertise.


We provide the entire production process for sophisticated plastic components – from development, tooling, injection molding up to assembly and packaging inside the cleanroom; All this at five locations in three continents.