Swiss Medtech Expo 2021

It was an extraordinary pleasure for us to be able to physically participate in a Swiss trade fair again this year – due to Corona. The direct exchange with our customers and the visitors on a technical but also personal level is always valuable for us to feel the “pulse of the market”.
The volume of visitors at Swiss Medtec Expo was smaller this year than in previous years. Nevertheless, many good conversations with potential new customers developed, which led to further discussions.
As in previous years, there was great interest in our surface technologies. This can be for purely aesthetic reasons – but also to implement functions. Using an example from the automotive industry (steering wheel control unit for the VW ID.3), it was shown how today capacitive control panels including tactile feedback and lighting can be advantageously integrated into a component. In addition to a positive cost effect and flexibility in design, the closed surfaces offer no possibility for dust and dirt to penetrate and can therefore be optimally cleaned. And if required, each surface can also be designed to be antimicrobial.
However, there was also keen interest in our filigree parts from the micro injection molding sector, which are used in sterile disposable devices.
In summary, it can be said that not only the parts and technologies presented impressed the visitors, but also the exceptional vertical range of manufacture, the innovative strength and international orientation of KH. These can represent decisive competitive advantages for customers!