A strong international network.
With our partner, Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG, we can assure you decisive, competitive advantages in the production of your products.

KH – Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG
The KH Group is a 60-year-old family business with roots in Bavaria/Germany. Today, the company has around 1’700 employees in four countries on three continents. Thanks to continuous technical innovation and solid corporate management, KH is today one of the world leaders in the field of plastic components with high-end surfaces.
From design and toolmaking to the assembled and packaged finished product, KH serves the entire value chain from a single source. Seamlessly interlinking business processes in conjunction with a holistic quality management system form the basis for the success of our customers.
KH’s manufacturing expertise includes 1K – 3K injection molding, foil decoration (IML and IMD), surface functionalization, painting, lasers, industrial and medical engineering assembly.
KH and SME are linked by a long-standing partnership. Today, we combine our competences in the field of development, transfer, production, and approval of medical devices. We accompany our customers as a development partner. Contact us to learn more.
More information:
KH Image-Prospect
KH Magazin 12/2017