About Us
Experience, competence and passion.
The customer benefit is our focus. Tailor-made structures and processes form the basis of efficient target achievement. We bring the experience and the passion.
Dr. Guido Vezzu
- Co-founder and CEO, SME GmbH
- Head of R & D and Member of the Board, Alcon WaveLight GmbH
- Head of R & D and Member of the Executive Board, Alcon Grieshaber AG
- Senior Engineer R & D, Alcon Grieshaber AG
- Scientific Director, Ozonia AG
- Group Leader Measuring and Diagnostic Systems, Sulzer Innotec AG
- Diploma Physicist, ETH Zurich
- Doctor of Science, ETH Zurich

Philipp Schaller
- Co-founder and Managing Director, SME GmbH
- Supervisory Board, Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG
- Founder and CEO, Schaller Engineering
- Manager Department of Microtechnology (RE-drives), maxon motor AG
- Master of Science in Management, Technology and Economy, ETH Zurich